inclusive adj. (opp. exclusive) 1.包围住的,范围广的。 2.包括…的;…也算入的 (of)。 3.一切开支包括在内的。 4.(语言使用上)不分男女的,(用词上)无男女性别歧视的(如不使用chairman而使用chairperson等)。 an inclusive list 详表。 from Jan. 1st to 31st inclusive〔略 incl. 〕从1月1日至31日〔1日与31日在内 (cf. 〔美国〕 Jan. 1st through 31st) 〕。 an inclusive fee (旅馆)连伙食一切包括在内的费用。 a party of ten, inclusive of the host 主客共计十人的聚会。 inclusive of 包含。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
We have decided to make important structural shifts in the plan to address the critical constraints that hold us back from achieving our objective of faster and more inclusive growth “十一五”计划还决定进行重大的结构调整,以解决阻碍我们实现更快、更多人受益的发展目标的主要瓶颈。
Inclusive growth basically means, “broad based growth, shared growth, and pro-poor growth”. It decreases the rapid growth rate of poverty in a country and increases the involvement of people into the growth process of the country.